

Friday, September 9, 2011


I am an artist. I can draw, I understand human anatomy, I can use watercolors and oil paint. I am working to become a 3D modeler. I am a student at Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy.

 I like the think of thing in a round way; know the parts and then make the whole. Mythology and old stories are fascinating subjects to me. I like connecting things when I need to create something
Here is an example:
     Take an Apple
There is a biblical story that tells about the garden of Eden. In the garden lived Adam and Eve, they could live in peace forever so long as they did not eat the apple for it grew on the tree of knowledge. The story goes that Lucifer the snake temped them to take the apple and eat it.
The father of science and the man who gave us gravity and the ideas that led to a new world of thought and possibility. The man Issac Newton, and what fell on his head to give him this idea and inspiration. An apple.

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