

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Magic the Gathering: Liliana Vess

I am working on a personal project. I have been reading the magic the gathering series for a while now. I love the planeswalker series and have been wanting to do something like this for awhile.


I finished reading the ELDRITCH MOON and was inspired to model and create the battle scene and was also inspired by the trailer they made (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCbhisqd_co&t=5s).

I want to create a Cutscene and potentially a little VR game. I am working on with Unreal and working on learning how to use the Matinee and Cinematics plus the cascade and effects tools.

I am modeling with the goal of using Unreal Matinee as my "render engine" and the potential for a game as 2nd priority.

So far I have Liliana modeled out. I modeled the clothes and had the UV's set before going into Zbrush.

I used Zbrush to get the diffuse textures and base colors out and I used Substance painter to bake out the normal and Xnormal for a detailed height and Ao.  With the Awesome marmoset Toolbag 3 I setup all of the materials and prep the main model to send to Unreal. I setup the Emission/Glow map and will setup a material blueprint to turn on and off when she uses an ability.

As for the Rigging and Animaitons I started using Rapid Rig (https://www.highend3d.com/maya/script/rapid-rig-modular-procedural-auto-rig-for-maya) but if I can get Unreal's rigging tools to work then I will use that one instead. (https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Content/Tools/MayaRiggingTool/) The Dress skirts and cape will be Physx Cloth

The Environment is at semi setup. For the battle cutscene I plan on having her do a waltz around the graveyard pulling up the zombie to act as body guards or shredder fauder as she fights off the werewolves and eldritch monsters.

I have also started the creature modeling as well. I am going to have 3 different versions of a Basic Zombie, I want to use these as the crowd/horde that act.

3 Different Elite Zombie, these ones will have weapon, a Swords, Spears and I am not sure about the 3rd weapon would be, I am thinking about crossbow but not sure.

I have 3 Different Enemy Werewolves, From left to right its Fast Mid Heavy. For coloring I plan to have a Fast Gray, Medium Brown and Heavy Black.  I want the variety and not have a simple cookie cutter model and just place the same model with different textures.

I still want to model some Eldritch monsters and Emrakul

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